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Thursday, July 22, 2010

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Why healthy cooking

Healthy Cooking
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Why Healthy Cooking?

The advent of electronic and information age both spelled drastic changes to the lifestyles of families all over the world. Daily hectic activities pre-occupy most of us while everything else is done in a fast-paced manner to the point that even the food we eat is neglected in favor of instant, highly processed, acidic, and not to mention calorie-loaded meals. The results are unhealthy eating habits that lead only to the deterioration of our health.

Although there have been ways to battle this saddening trend in unhealthy eating, like with the invention of microwave ovens to speed up the cooking process, people are still confined to using the mighty microwave for defrosting, melting and reheating food, which does not give justice to this wonderful invention.
The good news is, microwave is not only for defrosting, melting and reheating food, but it is also meant for cooking real dishes in a more efficient way. And the best news is we have the perfect cooking partner for the microwave, the CERAMIX Energyware.

CERAMIX Energyware is the latest technological breakthrough in cookware and tableware, which combines the properties of both real ceramics and plastic that is ideal for healthy microwave cooking. The natural high-quality limestone in the CERAMIX Energyware emits Far Infrared Rays (FIR). All food and drinks cooked and heated in the Ceramix will absorb this FIR energy, thus energizing the food or drink for your body’s easy absorption of nutrients. It also assists the body to eliminate toxins.

Having the ceramic property of insulation allows CERAMIX Energyware to retain heat in drinks and in food longer without diffusing the heat to the container, which makes it safe to touch even immediately after heating. While it’s plastic property gives the CERAMIX Energyware its unbreakable characteristic.

The bonding of the two materials gives it new molecular strength that can withstand impacts from dropping, and therefore lasting longer than any other tableware line of products.

Cooking with CERAMIX Energyware

Now you can take pleasure in a country style of living amidst the hectic lifestyle, while being able to cook nutritious and sumptuous food for your family in less expense, time and effort, while above all, ensuring that the quality of your health is preserved.

How does using Ceramix Energyware Benefit the Body?

The various activities of the human body depend on the supply of nutrients. Nutrients ingested into our bodies provide us energy and help sustain our lives.

If we wish to have a healthy life, we must maintain a good and strong metabolic rate. FIR enable to improve blood circulation and continuously uplift the metabolic rate of the body. As the transport of the nutrients in the body depends on blood circulation, the removal of metabolic waste matters from the various activities in the body is also dependent on the circulatory system.

When the circulatory system is improved under the influence of FIR, it will naturally improve our metabolism. As such, the second benefit that FIR provides for the human body is the elevation of metabolism thus improving energy and vitality.

Energyware is capable of emitting large amounts of FIR. Under specific conditions and influence of the temperature of the human body, and due to unique molecular structure, it continuously emits FIR of a specific range of wavelength. This is exactly the type of FIR with the right wave length range required by the human body. It is this type of FIR that activates the various biological functions of the human body. contact jeremiah for edmark ceramix product on +2347030237284 or

Healthy living- what is healthy living

Healthy Living What is Healthy Living?

What  is Healthy Living?Our physical appearance is a reflection of our state of health. Being overweight is an indication of a highly toxic body due to poor digestion and blood circulation and an inefficient defecation cycle. It is also a manifestation of an unhealthy lifestyle characterized by a high cholesterol diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

When one is showing signs of aging, it is a warning that the body is starting to deteriorate and is becoming a sure candidate to chronic diseases, cardiovascular and heart problems. Hence, managing our health is essential to sustain ourselves, not just to look good but also for us to function at our peak while doing our daily activities.

However, there is more to healthy living than just eating well, exercising and seeking cure when the need arises. Edmark's Healthy Living Catalogue presents four basic steps called the Power 4 Slimming and Beauty Program that will jumpstart your journey to health and over-all fitness.

Edmark  Shake Off Phyto Fiber
Detoxification is an indispensable step towards your journey to healthy slimming. When your digestive system is clogged, your body is unable to absorb essential nutrients. Before nourishment or slimming can take place, you must first detoxify your body of excess fats and toxins.
Edmark MRT complex, Bio-Elixir
Next is burning fat from the body and getting the right amount of nourishment. You will notice that as fat is burned, your body’s metabolism is improved. You will start feeling lighter and more energetic, and the body becomes better at assimilating vitamins and nutrients from the food that you eat.
Edmark Bubble C, Splina Liquid Chlorophyll
Follow-up with a routine that will balance your body’s acidity and alkalinity. Cleanse your system with a rich supply of oxygen. Fortify your immune system with vitamin C and speed up the slimming process with Calcium.
Edmark Ginseng Cafe, Red Yeast Coffee, CoCollagen
Finish up by rejuvenating the body with a dose of antioxidants that will provide maximum blood and heart health benefits, and proteins for healthier and smoother skin.

contact jeremiah a distributor of EDMARK healthy living product on +2347030237284, or in nigeria.